Get started with orthodontics in young adulthood!

Get started with orthodontics in young adulthood!


Because there are so many benefits!

Irreversible biological specificity

Biologically, at this age, the regenerative capacity of tissues is very good, and the tissue transformations and changes that occur during tooth movement take place quickly.


Although functional complaints are less frequent at this age (joint pain, clicking, chewing discomfort, etc.), as the treatment progresses you will be surprised and delighted to notice that "teeth fit together better", "chewing is more comfortable", "muscle tension in the face has disappeared". 


In addition to this, the fact that a nice, regular dental arch is easier to clean is not negligible, which contributes to long-term dental health.

Braces are cool

It's also a fact that orthodontics is nowadays considered a cool thing to do! 🙂

This is a very socially active time in your life, when your self-confidence is building and your expectations are being formed. 

The results of orthodontic treatment started at this time will set the stage for your future. After all, a beautiful, healthy smile not only gives you self-confidence, but the sophisticated appearance it provides makes a good impression in many areas of life.

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