
Invisible orthodontics step by step - 4 easy steps to your dream smile

Invisible orthodontics step by step - 4 easy steps to your dream smile


Did you know that you can achieve the smile of your dreams by making the process invisible?

With invisible orthodontics, you don't have to worry about how the appliance looks or what your surroundings will think of it, because the appliance kivehtransparent, transparent, consists of clear rails. You don't have to change your lifestyle, it's perfectly adapted to you!

What are the steps involved in invisible orthodontics?

Once you've decided that you want to use the laundryTo make your home invisibly beautiful, we take you through the next steps:



Orthodontic treatment starts with a personal consultation, which is also a detailed assessment of your condition. Using the iTero Element® scanner, digital 3D printingof the upper and lower dentitions. The treatment is planned completely digitally, so the tooth movements are predictable, the design is very precise. A great innovation is the possibility to eladder simulator help to see your future smile!

We place great emphasis on jhigh quality, accurate photo documentation at all stages of treatment, which helps you to monitor the whole process. It also helps us with the planning, which is the foundation and most important step of the treatment! 

As an extra option the questions for the management plan for simplicity and time efficiency online consultation will be discussed in detail, so the information is personal, but you don't need to come to the surgery.  




3D digital modelling of tooth movements is done using ClinCheck® software. The Invisalign technicians set the teeth, which we check and further shape to achieve the most ideal position.

The final plan will be sent to you, so you can see the exact tooth movement process before it starts.



Active treatment is always carried out by a qualified dental hygienist, with thorough Eco Dental Spa® cleaningwhich in many cases is as good as a teeth whitening, provides a very good starting position, then the rails are glued on. attachmentsto. We deliver the first set of rails and the beautification begins! We will continuously follow and monitor the changes based on your "reports" via an app (My invisalign) that we will help you download and set up.  

From Invisalign® invisible appliance one of the huge advantages (over a fixed device) is that only 3 monthly checks required, where we will examine where the transformation is at and pass on the next batch of rails! 

Once all the planned rails have been worn, it is possible that some 'corrective' rails will be needed to achieve complete perfection.

At the end of the active treatment, the attachments are removed and for the best result, the Professional Laser Studio teeth whitening. The fixed retention device is fitted, and then first you can see your beautiful new smile in all its glory! 



Since you want to maintain the result in the long term, you should wear a fixed retention appliance and (removable) night braces.

We're giving everyone a carefully compiled digital smile catalogue with key milestones. It's great to see the beautiful results of an old smile and to know that the energy and work invested will pay off!


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