Collaboration with a speech therapist is essential - Test Paula Hauptman-Tőkés Antónia

Collaboration with a speech therapist is essential - Test Paula Hauptman-Tőkés Antónia

There are huge forces and counter-forces at work in our mouths. If we take care to balance these forces harmoniously (our tongue provides the right load on our teeth from the inside and our facial muscles provide support from the outside), we can speak clearly and articulately and develop a beautiful smile.

In our previous blog article you may have read that the most commonly trusted professionals in complex orthodontic treatment are speech and language therapists.

Get to know Antónia Paula Hauptman-Tőkés a speech and language therapist, a tongue-lashing swallowing therapist, who is also a life coach and yoga teacher.  

Innovative, complex therapy

A speech therapist can help to restore muscle balance around and within the mouth, automate correct swallowing, develop body awareness and correct posture, and develop correct breath and speech breathing. 

It is worth looking at the human being holistically. 

In my practical experience, patients who need swallowing correction often have postural errors: incorrect head posture, asymmetric posture, tied shoulder girdle, sloppy posture. In order to make the swallowing correction last, I incorporate Buteyko's experience as a breathing therapist and yoga teacher. 

By my nature and attitude, I try to foster a good-humoured, positive and friendly atmosphere, in addition to serious and focused work, to facilitate progress. 

Function transforms structure - structure transforms function.

If this equilibrium is shifted, pressures can develop that could lead to
teeth are not aligned in the right direction or the arch may be distorted. Often this can
we intervene in the structure with orthodontic appliances. If the function, i.e. the
tongue movement is not altered, the tongue keeps the neatly aligned teeth of the old or
can steer it in an approximate direction. To avoid this, it is advisable to use orthodontic
we should also do swallowing exercises at the same time.

Tongue-lashing swallowing therapy can only be achieved in a team approach, where the dentist and speech therapist work closely together. We believe that this is the way to produce lasting results to the great satisfaction of our patients.

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