The secret to confident smiles

Blog of orthodontic specialist Sarolta Kovács

The secret to confident smiles

Blog of orthodontic specialist Sarolta Kovács

DESTROYED EATING - Could it affect my health?

Snoring? "Token" face profile? Incorrect posture? Heart disease Jaw joint complaints? We need to be aware that irregular dentition - apart from an irregular smile - can have a number of other health


What causes tooth decay in adulthood?

Why do our teeth get crowded? What causes crowding? Causes of crowding of teeth in adulthood It is common that the time of eruption of wisdom teeth roughly coincides with the time when


Wisdom teeth removal

When do they have to be pulled out? Wisdom tooth extraction is recommended: if the wisdom tooth has only partially grown out if there is a chance that it will damage the adjacent tooth if


Wisdom tooth myths - TOP 3 misconceptions debunked

Now that we know about the development of wisdom teeth, let's look at the myths surrounding wisdom teeth: wisdom teeth cause decay. In my experience, this is the most common misconception about wisdom teeth.


Wisdom teeth and orthodontics

During consultations, many questions about wisdom teeth arise. In addition, there are many myths surrounding them. Should wisdom teeth be pulled out of the


4+1 tips for the perfect Invisalign holiday

Summer is here again, festivals are buzzing and holidays are starting. What should you look out for in your braces this time of year? 1. Always have your braces with you

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