
Adult orthodontics with fixed braces

Choose from our personalised adult orthodontic treatments, make an appointment now!

Adult orthodontics

It's never too late to get started, because there is no irregularity in your teeth that can't be fixed with persistent work.
People who choose adult orthodontics are investing in improving their quality of life.
A beautiful smile can boost your confidence and rejuvenate you for years. And the health benefits are not negligible. Congested teeth are more difficult to clean thoroughly. However, lining up teeth makes the tooth surfaces easier to clean, reduces the risk of decay and tartar build-up, prevents gum inflammation and periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss.

Thanks to today's modern orthodontic appliances, we offer a range of solutions that provide the best results, both health-wise and aesthetically. In our studio, we offer both fixed and removable braces for external or internal dental arches, but the technology used depends on the problem to be solved.

In our studio, we follow three directions in adult orthodontics:


in an invisible way

Cosmetic treatment: this purely aesthetic orthodontic treatment can be completed in 6-12 months.


Functional orthodontics:

It means full bite adjustment, full aesthetic restoration and long-term stability.


Complex orthodontic treatments:

It includes full bite adjustment, preprosthetic orthodontics, and TMJ therapy.


Aesthetic orthodontics

In aesthetic (cosmetic) orthodontics, the main goal of treatment is to improve smile aesthetics.
This group includes orthodontic treatments where there is no bite disorder or where we have been approached to treat only the really visible teeth and not the full functional restoration. In such cases, orthodontic treatment of an aesthetic nature only can be carried out in a shorter time (6-12 months).



We focus on the first 4 or the first 6 teeth because they are the defining teeth of your smile. When people look at you, that's the first thing everyone looks at when you smile.



In aesthetic orthodontics, we aim to achieve the best possible results for your teeth in the shortest possible time. We want you to be able to use the confidence you gain from adult orthodontics in all areas of your life!



To maximise the aesthetic result and to ensure your pleasure is boundless, we will perfect the result with post-whitening and contouring of your teeth to make your smile even more dazzling!

Functional orthodontics

In addition to aesthetic results, orthodontic treatment aims to normalise functionality (such as proper bite), long-term stability, eliminate joint problems and normalise muscle dysfunction. The state of our teeth affects our health, long-term untreated dental problems, crowded teeth and poor bite form predispose to gum disease, bone decay, tooth decay, abnormal tooth wear, teeth grinding, headaches and even jaw joint problems.

From a medical point of view, functional goals are also important, and achieving them is often much more difficult than aligning teeth to ensure a beautiful smile. The primary goal is to eliminate the factors that cause early tooth loss.


Preventing tooth decay

When teeth are crowded, they are harder to keep clean and so they decay easily. By lining up the teeth, we ensure they can be cleaned and prevent decay.


Prevention of periodontal disease

If you have a bad bite, the abnormal forces that occur during chewing cause the supporting structure of the teeth to break down, leading to periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. By adjusting the bite, we ensure proper chewing and prevent lesions caused by damaging forces on the periodontium.


Prevention of jaw joint problems

The jaw joint can become overloaded due to inadequate biting and this can lead to problems: clicking, joint pain, muscle spasms, etc. By adjusting the bite, we can ensure proper chewing and prevent lesions caused by damaging forces on the jaw joint.


Clear speech

The correct positioning of teeth is also important in the formation of sound, so orthodontic treatment also contributes to clear speech.


Perfect aesthetics restoration

Today, aesthetics is not just about dental aesthetics and gum aesthetics, but also about facial aesthetics, and it is very important that facial aesthetics fully determines how we plan treatment.

Complex adult orthodontics

In today's modern view, orthodontic treatment is in many cases an essential step in a complex treatment sequence. In such cases, there is always a team approach involving specialists in other fields (aesthetic dentist, oral surgeon or periodontist). It is always an exciting challenge with impressive results.

Complex orthodontic treatments aim to normalize functionality (such as proper bite), long-term stability, eliminate joint problems, create the space for restorations, prepare for a perfectly fitting restoration (preprosthetic orthodontics), prevent related dental diseases, and achieve an aesthetic appearance.


Orthodontics instead of dentures

On the one hand, it is possible to set up the impacted teeth adjacent to the gap and correct their axial position. During chewing, these teeth are not subjected to axial forces, but to lateral forces, so called "grinding forces", which can significantly increase their lifespan and avoid premature tooth loss. In addition, the replacement of the gap is easier, the implants can be placed in an ideal position and the lifetime of the prosthesis is also increased.

On the other hand, by closing gaps with existing teeth, usually using orthodontic mini-screws, tooth gaps can be partially or completely eliminated. In this way, the number of necessary restorations can be reduced or, if the conditions are right, the gaps can be eliminated completely.

Periodontology and orthodontics

Periodontics and dental hygiene are increasingly becoming "partner fields" in the modern dental approach.
Orthodontic treatments are linked to periodontal therapy in several ways.

On the one hand, by adjusting the bite, we ensure proper chewing and prevent lesions caused by damaging forces on the tooth bed.

On the other hand, orthodontic treatment is also a useful tool in the treatment of established periodontal processes. Well-planned and well-executed orthodontic treatment helps to regenerate the tissues of the periodontium (gums, bone).

Thirdly, by adjusting the bite and eliminating harmful forces on the teeth, periodontal processes can be stabilised in the long term.


TMJ therapy and orthodontics

In cases where there is a dental component to the development of TMJ complaints, orthodontics is part of the team's treatment.
Tooth deficiencies, bite disorders, bite compulsions exhaust the body's ability to compensate, thus contributing to the development of joint complaints, sometimes exacerbating them.

Before starting orthodontic treatment, a temporary splint can stabilise the bite if necessary. Then, once the symptoms have subsided, orthodontic treatment can be started with the aim of finalising the bite in the jaw position that is the ideal balance position for the body.

Smile design services

There are many types of adult orthodontic appliances. To choose the right appliance, it is essential to have a personal consultation to assess the condition of your teeth and determine the details of treatment.



Transparent, removable rails are used to move the teeth.


External braces

Using a soft power device can shorten the treatment time.

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An investment for lifetime

Your smile is one of the first physical features others see. A beautiful smile tells the outside world that you take good care of yourself.

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Don't hesitate to get into orthodontics! Take a look at our portfolio.

Your specialist:

Dr. Sarolta Kovács orthodontist

The trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient is
the secret ingredient of a successful treatment.
With precise digital planning
we do our best to be the most effective
with a short treatment time
we achieve change.
You cannot wait for treatment appointments to make your smile
even more beautiful.


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