Environmentally friendly dentistry - For us, that's what good oral care means

Environmentally friendly dentistry - For us, that's what good oral care means

Environmental awareness is important to us!

Why is it important for us to have an environmentally friendly dental practice?
Here's how we follow our environmental principles in the way we run our Studio.

Dr. Sarolta Kovács and @tudatosszajapolas Emese is working together to make the Orthodontic Studio greener.


Health education and a sustainable, environmentally conscious lifestyle are important to us. That is why we have decided to donate the fees for the consultations to charity and to Responsible Gastrohős Foundationof them, so that we can indirectly comply with the principles of green dentisrty.

Plastic-free - environmentally friendly dentistry

Our green choices include replacing our plastic flush cups.
We did our research, as we didn't want to buy from the first paper cup we came across. A normal paper cup should not be thrown away with paper waste because of the plastic coating inside. However, the EcoHills your unique paper cup has a PLA (corn starch) based inner liner that can be thrown straight into a recycling bin!

green dentistry

Paperless - environmentally friendly dentistry

And to reduce the use of paper, our Studio SumUp you can also pay by card at the terminal. Simple, fast and paperless.

Knowledgeable Oral care

But let's move on to conscious oral care. Wearing a fixed appliance requires strict oral hygiene, which means you'll need to brush your teeth more often than usual and use one or two additional cleaning tools. That's why we're giving everyone new to orthodontics a personalised, plastic-free, environmentally friendly cleaning kit as a gift for conscious oral care. It includes: a linen bag (to keep your tools in one place), a bamboo toothbrush (for thorough cleaning), a bamboo toothbrush (for under the arch), a toothpaste (solid toothpaste with a refillable bottle to your taste), a mouthwash bottle (to fill with your favourite mouthwash at home), and wax (in case it's inconvenient to use).

Conscious Oral Care Workshop

In addition, we've dreamed up an event where you can finally learn about the most innovative, premium quality vegan dental care products and eco-friendly oral care alternatives that can help you do your best for your health and the health of the planet.

If you really care about your own health and are interested in eco-friendly alternatives, but don't know which one would work for you, come to the Conscious Oral Care workshop-ra!

tudatos szájápolás

Book with us make an appointmentto ensure the long-term health of your teeth and the future of our planet. 🙂

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