Crossbite - how can it be recognised?

Crossbite - how can it be recognised?

Anything other than a regular bite is called a bite disorder. However, in order to determine this, we need to know what a regular bite is. A normal bite is when the upper dentition covers 1.5-2 mm of the top of the lower dentition when the mouth is closed. This way, there is no strain on the jaw, no excessive pressure on the teeth and no force.

Many health problems can result from abnormal teeth, so it is important to treat them. It is important to consult a doctor early and take the necessary steps to ensure that these abnormalities are treated properly. It is easier to correct these problems at the beginning because they are largely reversible.
The longer we wait, the more difficult and sometimes painful the treatment will be.

Cross biting characteristics

One such common disorder is cross bite, also known as underbite. Several places wrongly bulldog biteis called bulldog bite, but it is a type of bite (although the best known, probably due to the fact that the bite disorder itself has been given this name). cross bite disorder.
But what is cross-biting? We talk about it when we the lower teeth cover the upper teeth. This bite disorder can occur at the front and back of the teeth. Different cases are known. Sometimes only one tooth is affected, but there may be cases where more than one tooth is affected.

Unfortunately, there are also more severe forms, when it can cause various types of gingivitis and periodontal disease. It probably goes without saying that these inflammations and diseases can lead to other complications and even affect digestion. It is therefore worth getting treatment, if you have been diagnosed yourself or have had it described to you by a specialist, as it is not only aesthetically problematic in the long term.

Bite deviations, which include the crossbite I just mentioned, are usually treated with braces. They require treatment depending on the length of time the problem has existed, the extent of the deviation and the treatment options available.

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