
Brushing with braces - 6 tools for good oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment

Brushing with braces - 6 tools for good oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment

Get advice from our dental hygienist Emese Mester on cleaning fixed appliances.

A fixed device requires strict oral hygiene, which means you'll need to brush your teeth more often than usual and use one or two additional cleaning tools.

Plaque and bacteria easily adhere around brackets and tubes stuck to teeth. These can later damage the tooth enamel or cause gum inflammation.

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Brushing with braces - How?

Feel free to use the toothbrush and toothpaste you've come to rely on, with it's more about the brushing technique. The brackets are glued to the centre of the teeth, and the area above and below the pegs can be cleaned with a toothbrush. Try to make circular movements and reach into the back teeth area. 

Brushing with braces - With what?


An interdental toothbrush, also known as a dental cleaning brush, can be used to clean the areas between the brackets and under the arch. Easy to use, the introduced under the orthodontic arch in the areas between the teeth and adjacent to the pinsthe plaque can be completely removed. Available in a variety of metres (usually colour coded) and shapes, you'll quickly find the right one for you. 

The floss

More difficult to use with fixed braces, but not impossible. The first step is to thread the floss under the arch, then it can be moved further into the space between the teeth, and from there it can be used as usual.


For patients wearing braces, their main function, apart from preventing plaque formation, is to prevent the possible evacuation of food residues stuck in braces. It is important to use alcohol-free mouthwash because alcohol can damage the rubber elements.

Mouth shower

These appliances use a concentrated jet of water to remove food residue from the interdental areas around brackets. It is important to know that the not suitable for removing plaqueand their use requires care to avoid accidentally squeezing bacteria under the gums.

Elmex Gel

1-2 times a week, for teeth over 12 years of age remineralisations ability can be improved by using Elmex gel, simply brushing your teeth with it instead of toothpaste. It is important not to swallow it because of its high fluoride content.

Tooth mousse cream

It does not contain fluoride, but calcium and phosphate ions. After brushing in the evening, apply with your finger to the surface of the teeth before going to bed spread out, after 2-3 minutes simply spit out. Do not rinse, so the paste left on the teeth is active all night. Ingestion is harmless, but should not be used in case of milk protein allergy.

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