Brushing with braces made easy - 5 steps to watch out for

Brushing with braces made easy - 5 steps to watch out for

Unfortunately, brushing with braces is more complicated than without, but it's worth the extra time. Braces are a miracle appliance, they can give anyone a beautiful smile! It helps to put your teeth back in the right place. If your teeth grow in the wrong way, you are more likely to develop tartar. In these cases, brushing is not always enough, as there are certain places where the fibres cannot reach. Later on, tartar can even lead to gingivitis. This may not sound dangerous at first, but in the long term it can cause serious damage in addition to unpleasant pain, and can even cause teeth to fall out if not treated properly.

At first it can be strange using the device on your teeth cleaningbut you can quickly get used to it and with a few simple tricks you can still maintain good oral hygiene.

But how do you brush your teeth with braces?

You can use a classic toothbrush, floss and rinse (of course, the best results are achieved by using all of these together). There are also toothbrushes now available specifically for people who wear braces.

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Cleaning invisible braces requires extra precision

Brushing with braces consists of the following steps:

  1. Remove the fasteners and removable parts.
  2. Then clean them thoroughly and the braces.
  3. A plaque around bracesneed to be removed first, when we get to the teeth. As the appliance helps the dentition to align more correctly, cleaning becomes easier. You should not brush too hard or too softly. Oscillating, with circular motion more thorough and comfortable cleaning of the gum line and the brekettas, as well as the arches of the braces. The easiest way to clean the areas next to the brekettas and under the arches is to Toothbrush with brushes can be kept clean.
  4. Don't forget to brush your teeth at the end check! Check in a mirror to make sure that all food residues have been removed.
  5. Floss when using even before rinsing let's go through the whole set of teeth!

It's also very important to clean and care for your teeth during orthodontic treatment, as food debris can get stuck between your teeth and the braces. Special attention should be paid to brushing your teeth immediately after meals. If this is not an option, be careful not to ask for chewy food that you know could get stuck in the braces and not be able to get it out immediately. Click here to see what foods you can should be avoided.

I usually take time with each patient to go over the proper dental care routine. We watch how brushing with braces is done, and we also try flossing together.

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