

It's already coming out of the tap and that's very good!

Pursuant to Government Decree 301/2021 (1.VI.) of 2021. Plastic cutlery, plates Plastic straws, drink stirrers Expanded polystyrene food/drink containers, cups Ear cleaners Balloon holders and sticks Plastic bags with a wall thickness of between 15 and 50 microns Oxide-actively degradable plastics (The Hungarian legislation also covers other types of plastic materials, such as plastic [...]

It's already coming out of the tap and that's very good! Read More »


Environmentally friendly dentistry - For us, that's what good oral care means

Environmental awareness is important to us! Why is it important for us to have an environmentally friendly dental practice? Below you can read about how we follow our environmental principles in the operation of the Studio. Dr. Sarolta Kovács and Emese @tudatosszajapolas are teaming up to make our Orthodontic Studio greener. Charity Health education and sustainable, environmentally conscious living are important to us. That is why we have decided to donate the fees for our consultations to charity.

Environmentally friendly dentistry - For us, that's what good oral care means Read More »

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