

Orthodontic consultation process - What happens at the first consultation?

Örülünk és köszönjük, hogy érdeklődsz a konzultációról!  Ha egy kicsit bővebben is tájékozódnál róla, hogy pontosan mi is történik egy konzultációs beszélgetés folyamán, itt alább összegyűjtöttük Neked a tudnivalókat. MIRE SZÁMÍTHATSZ AZ ELSŐ TALÁLKOZÓN? Az első konzultáció alkalmával átbeszéljük, mit szeretnél, és közösen kiderítjük, hogy a te esetedben milyen kezelés hozza meg leghatékonyabban a kívánt […]

Orthodontic consultation process - What happens at the first consultation? Read More »


How would you look with a regular smile? - Invisalign® SmileView™

Interested in how you would look after orthodontics, with a regular smile? Then I have good news! You're only 60 seconds away from seeing your future smile! All it takes is a smiley selfie, a few simple steps and Invisalign® SmileView™: step 1: Click here. Step 2: Take a smiley selfie with your phone. Step 3: Wait 60 seconds for the simulation and enjoy your smile. Step 4: If you smile for 60 seconds

How would you look with a regular smile? - Invisalign® SmileView™ Read More »


4+1 tips for the perfect Invisalign holiday

Summer is here again, festivals are buzzing and holidays are starting. What to look out for in your braces this season? 1. Always have your splint box with you! Holidays and festivals tend to upset our daily rhythms, and so do our meals. With Invisalign, you have complete freedom to eat whatever you want, whenever you want. All you have to do is remove the rails. 

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Invisible orthodontics step by step - 4 easy steps to your dream smile

Did you know that you can achieve the smile of your dreams by making the process invisible? With invisible orthodontics, you don't have to worry about how the appliance looks or what your surroundings will think of it, because it's made up of removable, clear, water-transparent strips. You don't have to change your lifestyle either, it's perfectly adapted to you! What are the steps of invisible braces? Once you've decided that

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Invisible orthodontics - the real invisible orthodontics

The process of invisible orthodontic treatment consists of several steps. Like all orthodontic treatment, it starts with a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan. What is the process of invisible orthodontics? Once you have decided that you want a lingual appliance, we will take a precision special impression of your teeth and send it to the orthodontic laboratory in Berlin. The impressions are used to create a custom

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Advantages of invisible braces - Internal vs external braces

Many people ask at the beginning of the consultation if they can have braces? It is now a fact that whenever you decide to wear a fixed appliance, you are free to choose. The advantage of invisible braces over external ones Almost any kind of tooth irregularity can be treated with internal (invisible) braces. Both types of braces have certain advantages and disadvantages. Our treatment philosophy is 'the right appliance for the right tooth'.

Advantages of invisible braces - Internal vs external braces Read More »


Invisible orthodontics - orthodontic treatment with splints

Why should we be dissatisfied with our lives when we can change them? Orthodontics can solve a very powerful self-confidence destroying aesthetic problem that can change our lives! Why let something that can be changed at any time affect us? Invisible braces are for you. In today's world, there are solutions for everything if you are not happy with the way you look. Whether it's one of these

Invisible orthodontics - orthodontic treatment with splints Read More »

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