Wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth removal

When do they have to be pulled out?


Extraction of the wisdom tooth is recommended:

  • if the wisdom tooth has only partially grown out
  • if there is a chance of damaging the adjacent tooth
  • if a cyst has formed
  • the most common reason is that people's mouths are too small for these teeth, so they often grow out in the wrong place.

Is surgical removal always necessary?


Surgical removal is necessary when the wisdom tooth has only partially grown out or not at all. If the crown of the tooth has appeared in the oral cavity, it can be removed by "simple" tooth extraction.

What is the best age to remove them?


Their removal is mainly determined by the degree of root development. When 2/3 of the wisdom tooth root has developed, it can be safely removed.

Once they have been extracted, is it guaranteed that our teeth won't become clogged again?


Unfortunately, this is no guarantee that the misalignment will go away or even return after orthodontic treatment. The lifelong "tendency of teeth to migrate forward" cannot be eliminated by this method. 

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