Orthodontics for children


Orthodontic consultation process - What happens at the first consultation?

Örülünk és köszönjük, hogy érdeklődsz a konzultációról!  Ha egy kicsit bővebben is tájékozódnál róla, hogy pontosan mi is történik egy konzultációs beszélgetés folyamán, itt alább összegyűjtöttük Neked a tudnivalókat. MIRE SZÁMÍTHATSZ AZ ELSŐ TALÁLKOZÓN? Az első konzultáció alkalmával átbeszéljük, mit szeretnél, és közösen kiderítjük, hogy a te esetedben milyen kezelés hozza meg leghatékonyabban a kívánt […]

Orthodontic consultation process - What happens at the first consultation? Read More »


Wisdom tooth myths - TOP 3 misconceptions debunked

Now that we know about the development of wisdom teeth, let's look at the myths surrounding wisdom teeth: wisdom teeth cause decay. In my experience, this is the most common misconception about wisdom teeth. Dozens of scientific articles have been published on the relationship between crowding and wisdom teeth. They've analyzed different situations, different groups of people: people with impacted wisdom teeth, people with impacted wisdom teeth, people with

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Wisdom teeth and orthodontics

During consultations, many questions about wisdom teeth arise. In addition, there are many myths surrounding them. Do wisdom teeth have to be extracted for orthodontic treatment? If they are not removed, will the teeth recompose later? Is it sufficient to remove wisdom teeth to solve the problem of crowding in the front teeth? Is surgical removal always necessary? How painful is it to extract them?

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4+1 tips for the perfect Invisalign holiday

Summer is here again, festivals are buzzing and holidays are starting. What to look out for in your braces this season? 1. Always have your splint box with you! Holidays and festivals tend to upset our daily rhythms, and so do our meals. With Invisalign, you have complete freedom to eat whatever you want, whenever you want. All you have to do is remove the rails. 

4+1 tips for the perfect Invisalign holiday Read More »


Invisible orthodontics step by step - 4 easy steps to your dream smile

Did you know that you can achieve the smile of your dreams by making the process invisible? With invisible orthodontics, you don't have to worry about how the appliance looks or what your surroundings will think of it, because it's made up of removable, clear, water-transparent strips. You don't have to change your lifestyle either, it's perfectly adapted to you! What are the steps of invisible braces? Once you've decided that

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Can a brace cause the metal marking gate at the airport to beep?

We are trying to answer an often asked question. One of the questions many people ask while wearing braces is whether their appliance can beep at airport checkpoints when travelling. When travelling through airports, all passengers undergo a security check before entering the gate area, during which prohibited items on passengers and in hand luggage are checked. Before passing through the metal detector airlock, all passengers shall

Can a brace cause the metal marking gate at the airport to beep? Read More »


It's important to have your child's teeth descaled - Premature loss of milk teeth can have serious consequences!

Teeth that emerge for the first time are called milk teeth. Milk teeth are gradually replaced by permanent teeth. There is therefore a stage in life when both milk teeth and permanent teeth are present in the mouth. This is called the mixed dentition period, which is usually between 8 and 14 years of age. The mixed dentition period is critical! It is a huge misconception that it is not

It's important to have your child's teeth descaled - Premature loss of milk teeth can have serious consequences! Read More »


Get started with orthodontics in young adulthood!

Why? Because there are so many benefits! Biologically, at this age, the tissue regeneration capacity is very good, and the tissue transformations and changes that take place during tooth movement are rapid. Comfort While functional complaints are less frequent at this age (joint pain, clicking, chewing discomfort, etc.), you will be surprised and delighted to find that as the treatment progresses

Get started with orthodontics in young adulthood! Read More »


When should you start aesthetic orthodontics?

If you come to us with a request to treat only the really visible teeth and not the complete functional restoration. After all, a really beautiful, aesthetic smile is the perfect complement to a sophisticated appearance.From experience, even a small correction can make a huge difference to your quality of life. You want the confidence you gain from adult orthodontics to last a lifetime.

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Age limit for orthodontic treatment - It's time to get started!

Regardless of the stage of life at which the treatment is given, the primary goal is always to improve the patient's quality of life. Each age has its own specificities. Let's look at the age limits for orthodontic treatment in more detail: - Age limit for orthodontic treatment - in infancy Based on modern guidelines, it is important to note that at the age of 7-10 years, children should only be given removable, possibly

Age limit for orthodontic treatment - It's time to get started! Read More »

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