The secret to confident smiles

Blog of orthodontic specialist Sarolta Kovács

The secret to confident smiles

Blog of orthodontic specialist Sarolta Kovács

Deep bite - What to know and how to treat it

Deep bite is one of the most common bite disorders. It is perhaps one of the most striking abnormalities that can be clearly seen even with the naked eye. Here's what you need to know


Open bite - what is it and how to treat it?

First, to clarify the concept, let's talk about regular bite and perfect teeth. A normal bite is when you bite with your mouth closed, in a relaxed position, with the upper


Everything you need to know about adult orthodontics!

It's never too late to get started, because there is no irregularity in your teeth that can't be fixed with persistent work. A perfect smile boosts your confidence and rejuvenates you for years. In fact, it can even


Adult orthodontic treatment - 3 steps to the perfect smile

#1 Personal consultation The adult orthodontic treatment starts with a personal consultation, during which we get to know each other and carry out a comprehensive examination. We start with an aesthetic examination of the face, followed by

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