Regardless of the stage of life at which the treatment is given, the primary goal is always to improve the patient's quality of life.
Each age has its own specificities. Let's look at the age limits for orthodontics in more detail:
Age limit for orthodontic treatment - in early childhood
Based on today's modern trends, it is important to note that Ages 7-10We only provide children with removable, possibly partial, fixed orthodontic appliances in very justified cases.
I try to avoid treatments that can take years, are time-consuming and financially burdensome, but we cannot ignore the "irreversible" opportunities that age gives us! This is the period when teeth change and the face develops and grows.
In this case, the purpose of orthodontic treatment is twofold:
- Helping and ensuring the natural change of teeth
- Ensure harmonious facial development by addressing possible bad habits (e.g. re-swallowing, ) and muscle dysfunctions (e.g. tongue thrust swallowing, mouth breathing).
With timely treatment:
- to avoid aggravation of the bite disorder, the muscle dysfunctions anchoring,
- prevent a malocclusion that could be much more costly to correct later
- avoid the need for orthodontic treatment with tooth extraction in the vast majority of cases.
Age limit for orthodontic treatment - Adolescents
A 11-16 years old biological specificity of the "adolescent growth peak", when, as a result of various hormonal changes, a very active growth and transformation takes place throughout the body.
In this case, most dental abnormalities can be treated conservatively and successfully.
These treatments orthodontic treatments we call it. The main aim of our treatment is to adjust the ideal position of the dental arches and jaws using removable functional appliances. This avoids the need for orthodontic treatment combined with surgery in the future. The disadvantage of removable appliances is that they can only be used for certain tooth movements, so removable appliances for pre-treatment can be considered, after all, a fixed device treatment is always necessary to achieve the perfect result.
Age limit for orthodontic treatment -Teen and young-adult
This is a very socially active period, when our self-confidence is being consolidated and our expectations are being formed. The main reason for most orthodontic treatment started at this time is aesthetic embarrassment.
Biologically, at this age, the regenerative capacity of tissues is very good, and the tissue transformations and changes that occur during tooth movement take place quickly.
Specific functional complaints are less frequent (joint pain, clicking, chewing discomfort, etc.) but as the treatment progresses, my patients are surprised and delighted to notice that "their teeth fit together better", "chewing is more comfortable", "muscle tension in the face has disappeared".
In addition to this, the fact that a nice, regular dental arch is easier to clean is not negligible, which contributes to long-term dental health.
Today, the wide availability of orthodontic treatments allows anyone to wear the perfect smile, which has become not only a trend, but a basic need.
We strive to meet this need with the most modern, trendy and affordable highest quality appliances using.
Age limit for orthodontic treatment - Adults
Over 45 years of age orthodontic treatment is possible and sometimes necessary. So the age limit for orthodontic treatment is not set in stone. Biologically, anomalies have already stabilised, and various "co-symptoms" may appear, including possible tissue damage and tooth loss.
This is a deliberate, long-term approach, based on a thorough management plan and a multidisciplinary approach.
Let's list the most common complaints in this age group:
- no early orthodontic treatment
- "back migration" of teeth after orthodontic treatment in childhood
- abnormalities related to tooth loss: impacted teeth, teeth "overgrown" into the missing tooth (in such cases implants cannot be placed in the correct position or the missing tooth or teeth can only be replaced by stripping adjacent teeth)
- loss of chewing function
- various jaw joint complaints: joint clicking, cracking, pain, limited mobility
- problems associated with/ arising from periodontal diseases
In the "complex" cases listed above, orthodontic treatment is started with the following objectives:
- restore the integrity, stability and aesthetics of the dental arches
- allow for uncompromising prostheses
- long-term preservation of teeth
- improve the periodontal status
This level of complex thinking and treatment options has opened up a new dimension in dentistry.
All in all, it is worth starting orthodontic treatment at any stage of life.
Contact us with confidence!