10 March 2020


Eating with braces - What can I not eat with braces?

There is no doubt that eating with braces is not easy. Eating a balanced diet has always been one of the most important things! Whether you have braces or not, of course. However, vegetables and fruits are not the easiest to eat with braces on, as they can be healthy but hard (e.g. carrots, pears). These foods should be cut into small pieces, so that it is easier to [...]

Eating with braces - What can I not eat with braces? Read More »


Brushing with braces made easy - 5 steps to watch out for

Unfortunately, brushing with braces is more complicated than without, but it's worth the extra time. Braces are a miracle appliance, they can give anyone a beautiful smile! It helps to put your teeth back in the right place. If your teeth grow in the wrong way, you are more likely to develop tartar. In these cases, brushing is not always enough, as there are certain places where the fibres cannot reach. Later

Brushing with braces made easy - 5 steps to watch out for Read More »

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